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  • Deborah Taira Juarez, ScD

    Deborah Taira, ScD

    Professor at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy


    Deborah Taira is a health economist. Her research has focused on medication adherence, cost-effectiveness of cardiovascular interventions, and health disparities, particularly involving Asian and Pacific Americans.


    2012:  Rho Chi Honor Society inductee

    2012:  Fulbright Specialist Scholar to Thailand

    Selected Publications: 

    1. Seto TB, Taira DA, Tsevat J, Manning WJ. Cost-effectiveness of transesophageal echo-guided cardioversion: a decision analytic model for patients admitted to the hospitalized with atrial fibrillation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1997;29:122-30.
    2. Taira DA, Safran DG, Seto TB, Rogers WH, Kosinski M, Ware JE, Lieberman N, Tarlov AR. Asian-American patient ratings of physician primary care performance. J Gen Intern Med. 1997;12:237-42.
    3. Taira DA, Safran DG, Seto TB, Rogers WH, Tarlov AR. The relationship between patient income and physician discussion of health risk behaviors. JAMA. 1997;278:1412-7.
    4. Seto TB, Mittleman MA, Davis RB, Taira DA, Kawachi I. Seasonal variation in coronary artery disease mortality in Hawaii. Br Med J. 1998;316:1946-7.
    5. Seto TB, Taira DA, Tsevat J, Manning WJ. Cost-effectiveness of TEE-guided cardioversion. Cardiovascular Review. 1998;15:50-5.
    6. Safran DG, Kosinski M, Taira DA, Rogers WH, Ware JE, Lieberman N, Tarlov AR. The Primary Care Assessment Survey: Tests of data quality and measurement performance. Med Care. 1998;36:728-39.
    7. Safran DG, Taira DA, Rogers WH, Kosinski M, Lieberman N, Ware JE, Tarlov AR. Linking primary care performance to valued outcomes of care. J Fam Pract. 1998;47:213-20.
    8. Seto TB, Taira DA, Tsevat J, Manning WJ. Cost-effectiveness of TEE-guided cardioversion. Cardiovascular Review 1998;15:50-5.
    9. Seto TB, Taira DA, Manning WJ. Cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation and LA thrombi on TEE: Should TEE be repeated prior to elective cardioversion? A cost-effectiveness analysis. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 1999;12:508-16.
    10. Taira DA. Improving the health and health care of non-English speaking patients. J Gen Intern Med 1999;14:332-3.
    11. Safran DG, Rogers WH, Tarlov AR, Inui T, Taira DA, Montgomery J, Ware, JE, Slavin CP. Organizational and financial characteristics of health plans: Are they related to primary care performance. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:69-76.
    12. Seto TB, Taira DA, Chauhan M, Berezin R, Ho KKL, Kuntz R, Cohen DJ. Effect of percutaneous coronary revascularization on health-related quality of life in the elderly. Ann Intern Med. 2000;132:955-8.
    13. Seto TB, Kuwat D, Taira DA, Douglas PS, Manning WJ. Physician’s recommendations to patients for use of antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent endocarditis. JAMA. 2000;284:68-71.
    14. Taira DA, Seto TB, Ho KKL, Cutlip DE, Berezin R, Kuntz RE, Cohen DJ. The impact of smoking on health-related quality of life following percutaneous coronary revascularization. Circulation 2000;102:1369-74.
    15. Taira DA, Safran DG, Seto TB, Rogers WH, Inui TS, Montgomery J, Tarlov AR. Do patient assessments of primary care differ by patient ethnicity? Hlth Serv Res 2001;36(6):1059-1071.
    16. Taira DA, Iwane K, Yamashita, P, Chung RS. Correlating Physical and Mental Health Status With Satisfaction in a Health Plan. Managed Care Interface. 2001;14:51-56.
    17. Davis JW, Lee E, Taira DA, and Chung RC. Influenza vaccination, hospitalizations, and costs among members of a Medicare cost contract. Med Care. 2001; 39(12):1273-80.
    18. Cohen DJ, Taira DA, Berezin R, Cox DA, Morice MC, Stone GW, Grines CL. Cost-effectiveness of coronary stenting in acute myocardial infarction: Results from the Stent PAMI Trial. Circulation. 2001;104:3039-3045.
    19. Taira DA, Seto TB, Marciel C. Ethnic Disparities in Care Following Acute Coronary Syndromes Among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders During the Initial Hospitalization. Cellular and Molecular Biology. 2001;47(6):1209-1216.
    20. Taira DA. Patient characteristics and satisfaction for members using acupuncture services. Hawaii Med J. 2001 Nov;60(11):291-2.
    21. Taira DA, Seto TB, Siegrist R, Cosgrove R, Berezin R, Cohen DJ. Comparison of analytic approaches for the economic evaluation of new technologies alongside multicenter clinical trials. Am Heart J 2003 Mar;145(3):452-8.
    22. Taira DA, Iwane KA, Chung RS. Prescription Drugs: Elderly Enrollee Reports of Financial Access, Receipt of Free Samples, and Discussion of Generic Equivalents Related to Type of Coverage. AJMC 2003;9:305-312.
    23. Chung RS, Taira DA, Noh C. Altering Financial Incentives in Multi-Tiered Formulary Systems to Improve Accountability for Outcomes. J Managed Care Pharm, 2003;9:360-65.
    24. Taira DA, Gronley K,Chung R. Patient Characteristics, Health Status, and Health-related Behaviors Associated with Obesity. Hawaii Medical Journal.2004;63(5):150-155.
    25. Yanagihara DM, Taira DA, Davis J, Gronley K, Marciel C, Lee E, Tice A. Impact of a Health Plan Intervention to Improve Pneumococcal Vaccination in the Elderly. Managed Care Interface. 2005;18(9): 25-30.
    26. Kajioka Eh, Itoman Em, Li ML, Taira DA, Li GG, Yamamoto LG. Pediatric prescription pick-up rates after ED visits. Am J Emerg Med. 2005 Jul;23(4):454-8.
    27. Lee R, Taira DA. Adherence to oral hypoglycemic agents in Hawaii. Prev Chronic Dis. 2005 Apr;2(2):1-7.
    28. Zhu J, Davis J, Taira DA, Yamashita M. Screening rates and characteristics of health plan members who respond to screening reminders. Prev Chronic Dis. 2006 Apr;3(2):A56. Epub 2006 Mar 15.
    29. Davis JW, Taira DA, Chung RS. Health Disparities in 30 Indicators of Recommended Clinical Care, Journal of Healthcare Quality 2006;28:32-41.
    30. Davis JW, Taira DA, Chung RS. Variations in clinical practice among the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii Med Journal. 2006;65:226-230.
    31. Zhu J, Davis JW, Taira DA. The Impact of Visits to New Physicians on Patient Response to Health Screening Reminders. Medical Care 2006;28:32-41.
    32. Taira DA, Wong K, Frech-Tamas F, Chung RS. Copayment Level and Compliance with Antihypertensive Medication: Analysis and Policy Implications for Managed Care. Am J Manag Care. 2006 Nov;12(11):678-83.
    33. Taira DA, Gelber RP, Davis J, Gronley K, Chung RS, Seto TB. Anti-hypertensive Adherence and Drug Class among Asian Pacific Americans. Ethnicity and Health., 2007;12(3):265-281.
    34. Berthiaume J, Davis J, Taira DA, Thein KK. A managed care organization’s use of integrated health management to improve secondary prevention of coronary artery disease. Am J Manag Care. 2007;13(3):142-7.
    35. Gilmore AS, Zhao Y, Kang N, Ryskina, Legorreta, Taira DA, Chung RS. Patient Outcomes and Evidence-Based Medicine in a PPO Setting: A Six-Year Evaluation of a Physician Incentive Program. Health Services Research. 2007;42(6):2140-2159.
    36. Breton A, Taira D, Burns E, O’Leary J, Chung RS. Follow-up Services after an Emergency Department Visit for Substance Abuse. Am J Manag Care. 2007;13(9):497-505.
    37. Halliday T, Taira DA, Davis H, Chan H. Socioeconomic Disparities in Breast Cancer Screening in Hawai’i. Preventing Chronic Disease 2007 Oct;4(4):A91. Epub 2007 Sep 15.
    38. Davis J, Fujimoto RY, Juarez DT, Hodges K, Asam K. Major Depression Associated with Rates of Transition Between Cardiovascular Diseases. Am J Manag Care. 2008;14(3):125-129.
    39. Kretzer K, Taira Juarez D, Davis J. Initial Antihypertensive Prescriptions, Switching Patterns and Adherence Among Insured Patients in Hawai‘i. Hawaii Med J. 2008;67(4):96-100.
    40. Juarez DT, Osheroff W. Patient Perceptions of Inter-Provider Coordination of Care. Hawaii Med J. 2008;67(5):121-125.
    41. Davis J, Fujimoto R, Chan H, Taira Juarez D. Factors affecting the influenza vaccination of high risk adults in Hawai’i. Hawaii Med J. 2009;68(3): 50-55.
    42. Maskarinec G, Erber E, Grandinetti A, Verheus M, Oum R, Hopping B, Schmidt MM, Uchida A, Juarez DT, Hodges K, Kolonel LN. Diabetes Incidence Based on Linkages with Health Plans: The Multiethnic Cohort. Diabetes. 2009;58:1732-1738.
    43. Chen J; Kang N; Juarez DT; Hodges K; Chung, RS. The Effect of a PPO Pay-for-Performance Program on Patients with Diabetes. Am J Manag Care. 2010;16(1):e11-e20.
    44. Chen J; Kang N; Juarez DT; Hodges K; Chung, RS. Impact of a Pay-for-performance Program on Low Performing Physicians. Journal for Health Care Quality. 2010;32:13-22.
    45. Juarez DT, Samoa RA, Chung RS, Seto TB. Disparities in Health, Obesity and Access to Care Among An Insured Population of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans in Hawaii. Hawaii Medical Journal. Hawaii Med J. 2010 Feb;69(2):42-6.
    46. Schwartz SM, Ireland C, Strecher V, Nakao D, Wang C, Juarez D. The Economic Value of a Wellness and Disease Prevention Program. Popul Health Manag. 2010 Dec;13(6):309-17.
    47. Saito E, Davis J, Mau M, Harrigan R, Juarez DT. Copayment Level and Drug Switching: Findings for Type 2 Diabetes. American Journal of Pharmacy Benefits. Am J Pharm Benefits. 2010;2(6):412-420.
    48. Davis J, Fujimoto R, Chan H, Juarez DT. Identifying characteristics of patients with low urgency emergency department visits in a managed care setting. Manag Care. 2010 Oct;19(10):38-44.
    49. Chen JY, Kang N, Juarez DT, Yermilov I, Braithwaite RS, Hodges KA, Legorreta A, Chung RS. Heart Failure Patients Receiving ACEIs/ARBs Were Less Likely To Be Hospitalized Or To Use Emergency Care In The Following Year. Journal for Health Care Quality. 2011 Jul;33(4):29-36.
    50. Davis J, Fujimoto R, Chan H, Juarez DT. Adherence with lipid-lowering, antihypertensive, and diabetes medications singly and together. Am J Pharm Benefits. 2011;3(3):173-179.
    51. Chen JY, Tian H, Juarez DT, Yermilov I, Braithwaite RS, Hodges KA, Legorreta A, Chung RS. Does Pay-for-Performance improve cardiovascular care in a “real world” setting? Am J Med Qual. 2011 Sep-Oct;26(5):340-8.
    52. Davis JW, Chung RS, Juarez DT. Prevalence of Comorbid Conditions with Aging Patients with Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease. Hawaii Med J. 2011;70(10):209-14.
    53. Ashby J, Juarez DT, Berthiaume J, Sibley P, Chung RS. The Relationship of Hospital Quality and Cost Per Case in Hawaii. Inquiry. 2012;49:65-74.
    54. Juarez DT; Davis JW; Brady SK; Chung RS. Prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease and Its Risk Factors Related to Age in Asian, Pacific Islanders, and Caucasians in Hawai‘i. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved. 2012; 23(3):1000-10.
    55. Juarez DT, Sentell T, Tokumaru S, Goo R, Davis J, Mau M. Factors Associated with Three Years of Poor Glycemic Control or Wide Glycemic Variability Among Diabetic Patients in Hawaii. Prev Chronic Dis. 2012;9:120065.
    56. Davis J, Juarez DT, Hodges K. Relations of ethnicity and body mass index with the development of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Ethn Dis. 2013;23[1]:65–70.
    57. Juarez DT, Goo R, Tokumaru S, Sentell T, Davis JW, Mau MM. Association Between Sustained Hemoglobin A1c Control and Health Care Costs. Am J Pharm Ben (in press)
    58. Juarez DT, Tan C, Davis J, Mau M. Factors Affecting Sustained Medication Adherence and Its Impact on Health Care Utilization in Patients with Diabetes. J Pharm HSR. (in press)
    59. Sentell T, Juarez DT, Diabetes-Related Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations in Native Hawaiian, Chinese, Filipino, and Japanese Elderly Compared to Whites in Hawai’i. Prev Chronic Dis. (in press)
    PubMed Publications Listing:  Juarez DT  |  Taira DA