Diabetes 101, Heart 101 and Healthy Weight 101

Diabetes 101, Heart 101 and Healthy Weight 101 are training seminars developed as foundational health education for community health workers, case managers, and peer counselors serving Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Peoples. The five hour long seminars have been taught across Hawai‘i and the continental United States to over twenty organizations and 400 participants. The seminars were developed using health communication, cultural learning theories, and teaching strategies relevant to Pacific Peoples. More information about the seminars can be found in an article by Look et al., (2008) which can be found here.

The Powerpoint presentations used to guide the seminar are available for review and printing below. Please note these presentations have not been designed for patient self-management training; rather, they are intended to increase the understanding of community health workers and others about chronic diseases affecting Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations.

All Ulu Network member organizations and individuals who have graduated from the seminars have access to presentation materials that may be edited through the password protected download. If others are interested in obtaining these downloading privileges, please send an email request to ulunet@hawaii.edu.

Diabetes 101 Resources

Module 1 D101: Introduction to Diabetes
Module 2 D101: Improving the Health and Wellness of People with Diabetes
Module 3 D101: Successful Strategies for Caring for a Client with Diabetes
Module 4 D101: I Have Diabetes
Diabetes 101 Review: Diabetes Training for Community Health Workers Serving Native Hawaiians
and other Pacific Peoples

Heart 101 Resources

Module 1 H101: Introduction to the Cardiovascular System
and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
Module 2 H101: Types of Cardiovascular Disease and Their Treatments
Module 3 H101: Successful Strategies for Caring for a Client with Cardiovascular Disease
Heart 101 Review: Cardiovascular Health Training for Community Health Workers Serving Native Hawaiians

Healthy Weight 101 Resources

Module 1 HW101: Introduction to Healthy Weight
Module 2 HW101: Diagnosis and Treatments
Module 3 HW101: Successful Weight Management Strategies for Clients