Diabetes Disparities and Promising Interventions to Address Diabetes in Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Populations
COVID-19 Special Column: COVID-19 Hits Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Communities the Hardest
Ethnic and Gender Differences in 10-Year Coronary Heart Disease Risk: a Cross-Sectional Study in Hawai‘i
Citation:  Office of Hawaiian Affairs (2018).
Haumea Transforming the Health of Native Hawaiian Women and Empowering Wāhine Well-Being.
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Perspectives on health equity and social determinants of health
Bogard, K., V. Murry, and C. Alexander, eds. 2017
Washington, DC: National Academy of Medicine

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Chartbook on Health Conditions and Behaviors of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Persons in the United States, 2014
Vital and Health Statistics. Series 3, Number 40. July 2017
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Selected Health Conditions Among Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Adults: United States, 2014
NCHS Data Brief. No. 277. March 2017
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Community-Based Participatory Research Integrates Behavioral and Biological Research to Achieve Health Equity for Native Hawaiians.
MRI default mode network connectivity is associated with functional outcome after cardiopulmonary arrest
A descriptive study of Marshallese and Chuukese patients with diabetes in Hawai'i
Resources, Roadblocks and Turning Points: A Qualitative Study of American Indian/Alaska Native Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
J Community Health. 2013 Feb;38(1):86-94. doi: 10.1007/s10900-012-9585-5.
PMID: 22772841

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Outcomes from Diabetes Self-management Intervention for Native Hawaiians and Pacific People: Partners in Care
Ann Behav Med. 2013 Feb;45(1):24-32. doi: 10.1007/s12160-012-9422-1.
PMID: 23086589

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Hawai'i Journal of Medicine and Public Health. Guest Editors' message.
Hawaii J Med Public Health. 2013 May;72(5 Suppl 1):3-4.
Kaholokula JK; Aitaoto N
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Ethnic differences in potentially preventable hospitalizations among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders: implications for reducing health care disparities
Favorable Outcomes for Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Hawaii J Med Public Health. 2013 Apr;72(4):129-35. PubMed PMID: 23795313; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3689508
Kazuma Nakagawa; Reid R. Hoshide; Susan M. Asai; Katherine G. Johnson; Juliet G. Beniga; Melanie C. Albano; Johnna L. del Castillo; Daniel J. Donovan; Cherylee W. Chang; and Matthew A. Koenig
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Socio-demographic, behavioral, and biological variables related to weight loss in native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Mar;21(3):E196-203. doi: 10.1002/oby.20038.
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A Family and Community Focused Lifestyle Program Prevents Weight Regain in Pacific Islanders: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
Health Educ Behav. 2012 Aug;39(4):386-95. doi: 10.1177/1090198110394174. Epub 2011 May 6.
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Process and outcome constructs for evaluating community-based participatory research projects: a matrix of existing measures
Health Educ Res. 2012 Aug;27(4):680-90. doi: 10.1093/her/cyr087. Epub 2011 Sep 21. Review.
PMID: 21940460

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Racial Disparities among Native and Pacific Islanders with intracerebral hemorrhage
Neurology. 2012 Aug 14;79(7):675-80. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3182608c6f. Epub 2012 Jul 18.
PMID: 22815551

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Hawai‘i Medical Journal, Nov.2011, Suppl.2
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Childhood Obesity in Hawai‘i: The Role of the Healthcare Provider
Hawaii Med J. 2011 Jul;70(7 Suppl 1):53-4. No abstract available.
PMID: 21886297

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RMATRIX — Clinical Translational Research Award
Hawaii Med J. 2011 Jan;70(1):18-9. No abstract available.
PMID: 21225591

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A1C and Diabetes Diagnosis Among Filipino Americans, Japanese Americans, and Native Hawaiians
Diabetes Care. 2010 Dec;33(12):2626-8. doi: 10.2337/dc10-0958. Epub 2010 Sep 10.
PMID: 20833866

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Ethnic Health Assessment for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders in California
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Effects of perceived racism and acculturation on hypertension in Native Hawaiians
Hawaii Med J. 2010 May;69(5 Suppl 2):11-5.
PMID: 20544603

Joseph Keawe‘aimoku Kaholokula, Marcus Iwane, Andrea Nacapoy
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Disparities in Health, Obesity and Access to Care Among an Insured Population of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans in Hawai‘i
Hawaii Med J. 2010 Feb;69(2):42-6.
PMID: 20358726

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Association Between Acculturation Modes and Type 2 Diabetes Among Native Hawaiians
Joseph Keawe‘aimoku Kaholokula, Andrea H. Nacapoy, Andrew Grandinetti, Healani Chang
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Partnerships to Address Obesity Disparities in Hawai`i: The PILI `Ohana Project
Andrea H. Nacapoy, Joseph Keawe`aimoku Kaholokula, Margaret R. West, Adrienne Y. Dillard, Anne Leake, B. Puni Kekauoha, Donna-Marie Palakiko, Andrea Siu, Sean W. Mosier, Marjorie K. Mau
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Culturally informed smoking cessation strategies for Native Hawaiians
Joseph Keawe‘aimoku Kaholokula, Kathryn L. Braun, Joshua I. Santos, Healani K. Chang
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Excellence in research and education at the John A. Burns School of Medicine: a tribute to Edwin Cadman's vision.
Renal disease disparities in Asian and Pacific-based populations in Hawai'i
Cardiovascular disease disparities in native Hawaiians
Noa Emmett Aluli, Phillip W. Reyes
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The Okuu – Hawaii’s Greatest Epidemic
Hawaii Med J. Volume 29 [September 1969-December 1970]
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