Currently Funded

  • Mariana Gerschenson

    Mariana Gerschenson, PhD

    Professor, and Associate Dean for Research, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa


    Dr. Gerschenson leads a federally-funded translational research program to understand the mitochondrial mechanisms of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and neurological diseases.


    2011:  Tenure, University of Hawai‘i, HI

    2010:  Nominated for 2011 Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Research, University of Hawai‘i, HI (

    2010:  Promotion to Full Researcher (Professor), University of Hawai‘i, HI.

    2009:  Association of American Medical Colleges Mid Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar, Scottsdale, Arizona

    2004-07:  National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Loan Repayment Award, Honolulu, HI

    Selected Publications: 

    1. Quality assessment of human mitochondrial DNA quantification: MITONAUTS, an international multicentre survey. Côté HC, Gerschenson M, Walker UA, Miro O, Garrabou G, Hammond E, Villarroya J, Giralt M, Villarroya F, Cinque P, Garcia-Arumi E, Andreu AL, Pinti M, Cossarizza A. Mitochondrion. 2011 May;11(3):520-7.
    Epub 2011 Feb 22.
    PMID: 21303702 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
    2. Short communication: transplacental nucleoside analogue exposure and mitochondrial parameters in HIV-uninfected children. Brogly SB, DiMauro S, Van Dyke RB, Williams PL, Naini A, Libutti DE, Choi J, Chung M, Gerschenson M. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2011 Jul;27(7):777-83.
    Epub 2011 Jan 15.
    PMID: 21142587 [PubMed - in process]
    3. Mitochondrial function, morphology and metabolic parameters improve after switching from stavudine to a tenofovir-containing regimen. Gerschenson M, Kim C, Berzins B, Taiwo B, Libutti DE, Choi J, Chen D, Weinstein J, Shore J, da Silva B, Belsey E, McComsey GA, Murphy RL. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2009 Jun;63(6):1244-50.
    Epub 2009 Mar 25.
    PMID: 19321503 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free Article
    4. Lipoprotein Changes in HIV-Infected Antiretroviral-Naïve Individuals after Starting Antiretroviral Therapy: ACTG Study A5152s Stein: Lipoprotein Changes on Antiretroviral Therapy. Stein JH, Komarow L, Cotter BR, Currier JS, Dubé MP, Fichtenbaum CJ, Gerschenson M, Mitchell CK, Murphy RL, Squires K, Parker RA, Torriani FJ; ACTG 5152s Study Team. J Clin Lipidol. 2008 Dec;2(6):464-471.
    PMID: 19956354 [PubMed] Free PMC Article
    5. Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation protein levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells correlate with levels in subcutaneous adipose tissue within samples differing by HIV and lipoatrophy status. Shikuma CM, Gerschenson M, Chow D, Libutti DE, Willis JH, Murray J, Capaldi RA, Marusich M. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2008 Oct;24(10):1255-62.
    PMID: 18844460 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article
    6. Mitochondrial RNA and DNA alterations in HIV lipoatrophy are linked to antiretroviral therapy and not to HIV infection. McComsey GA, Libutti DE, O'Riordan M, Shelton JM, Storer N, Ganz J, Jasper J, Harrill D, Gerschenson M. Antivir Ther. 2008;13(5):715-22.
    PMID: 18771055 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article
    7. HIV neuropathy natural history cohort study: assessment measures and risk factors. Simpson DM, Kitch D, Evans SR, McArthur JC, Asmuth DM, Cohen B, Goodkin K, Gerschenson M, So Y, Marra CM, Diaz-Arrastia R, Shriver S, Millar L, Clifford DB; ACTG A5117 Study Group. Neurology. 2006 Jun 13;66(11):1679-87.
    8. Mitochondrial dysfunction in AIDS and its treatment. Gerschenson M, Brinkman K. Mitochondrion. 2004 Sep;4(5-6):763-77.
    Epub 2004 Sep 25.
    9. Mitochondrial dysfunction and antiretroviral nucleoside analog toxicities: what is the evidence? Dagan T, Sable C, Bray J, Gerschenson M. Mitochondrion. 2002 May;1(5):397-412.
    PMID: 16120293 [PubMed]

    PubMed Publications Listing:  Gerschenson M