Currently Funded
Cecilia M. Shikuma, MD
Professor, Department of Medicine, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Interests:My personal interests are in HIV immunologic dysfunction and how they affect the chronic complications that typically occur with aging. The chronic complications include metabolic and cardiovascular dysfunction and neuroAIDS. In the metabolic area, my current research interests focus on the inter-relationship between glucose dysregulation and cardiovascular disease and immune dysregulation of monocyte phenotype and function.
What I do:I serve as the Research Core Director for the Center for Native and Pacific Health Disparities Research (CNPHDR). The primary goal of the Research Core is to support the research needs of the 2 research studies funded under this grant as well as to provide research assistance to junior and senior investigators affiliated with CNPHDR. The Research Core provides biostatistical support to CNPHDR researchers through an arrangement with the RMATRIX (RCMI Multidisciplinary And Translational Research Infrastructure eXpansion)’s Research Design and Biostatistics Key Function under the direction of Dr. John Chen. Research meetings open to all CNPHDR investigators are held throughout the year to serve as a forum to update researchers on new research findings and to brainstorm about research directions on metabolic health disparity in Hawaii and about new ideas for collaborative research in this area.
Awards:Selected Publications:
2011: ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) Honolulu 2011 Scientist of the Year Award
Shikuma CM, McKeague J, Baker N, Arakaki M, Cui XC, Waslien C, Souza S, Imrie A, and Arakaki R. Hyperinsulinemia in Non-Wasting HIV Infected Individuals; AIDS 13(11): 1359-65, 1999.Shikuma C, Hu N, Milne C, Yost F, Waslien C, Shiramizu B. Mitochondrial DNA Decrease in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue of HIV Infected Individuals with Peripheral Lipoatrophy. AIDS 2001; 15: 1801-1809.Shikuma CM, Shiramizu B. Mitochondrial Toxicity Associated with Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Therapy. Curr Infect Dis Rep. 2001 Dec;3(6):553-560.Shikuma CM, Zackin R, Sattler F, Mildvan D, Nyangweso P, Alston B, Evans S, Mulligan K. Changes in weight and lean body mass during highly active antiretroviral therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Oct 15;39(8):1223-30.Shikuma CM, Valcour VG, Ratto-Kim S, Williams AE, Souza S, Gerschenson M, Kim JH, Shiramizu B. HIV-Associated Wasting in the Era of Potent Combination Anti-Retroviral Therapy: A Syndrome of Residual HIV Infection in Monocytes/ Macrophages Clin Infect Dis, 2005 Jun 15;40(12):1846-8.Shikuma CM, Day LJ. Gerschenson M. Insulin resistance in the HIV-infected population: the potential role of mitochondrial dysfunction. Current Drug Targets - Infectious Disorders, 2005 5(3): 1-8.Valcour VG, Sacktor NC, Paul RH, Watters MR, Selnes OA, Shiramizu BT,Williams AE, Shikuma CM,. Insulin Resistance Is Associated With Cognition Among HIV-1-Infected Patients: The Hawaii Aging With HIV Cohort. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2006;43:405-410.Shikuma CM, Yang Y, Glesby MJ, Meyer WA, Tashima KT, Ribaudo HJ, Webb N, Bastow B, Kuritzkes DR, Gulick RM for the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol A5095 Study Team. Metabolic Effects of Protease Inhibitor-Sparing Antiretroviral Regimens Given as Initial Treatment of HIV-1 Infection (AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study - A5095). J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, 2007 Apr 15; 44(5):540-50.Bhasin S, Parker RA, Sattler F, Haubrich R, Alston B , Umbleja T, Shikuma CM,. Effects of testosterone supplementation on whole body and regional fat mass and distribution in human immunodeficiency virus-infected men with abdominal obesity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007 Mar; 92(3):1049-57.Brown TT, Tassiopoulos K, Bosch RJ, Shikuma C, McComsey GA. Association between Systemic Inflammation and Incident Diabetes Mellitus in HIV-infected Patients after Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy. Diabetes Care. 2010 Jul 27. Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20664016.Shikuma CM, Ribaudo HJ, Zheng Y, Gulick RM, Meyer WA, Tashima KT, Bastow B, Kuritzkes DR, Glesby MJ; the AIDS Clinical Trials Group A5095 Study Team. Change in High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) Levels Following Initiation of Efavirenz-Based Antiretroviral Regimens in HIV-Infected Individuals. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2010 Nov 23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20863238.Shikuma CM, Seto T, Liang CY, Bennett K, Degruttola V, Gerschenson M, Stein JH, Budoff M, Hodis HN, Delaney JA, Ogata-Arakaki D, Pramyothin P, Chow D. Vitamin D Levels and Markers of Arterial Dysfunction in HIV. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2011 Nov 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21978287Shikuma CM, Nakamoto B, Bruce Shiramizu, Liang C-Y, DeGruttola V, Bennett K, Paul R, Kallianpur K Chow D, Gavegnano C, Hurwitz SJ, Schinazi RF, Valcour VG Antiretroviral Monocyte Efficacy Score Linked to Cognitive Impairment in HIV, in press at Antiviral Therapy, in press in Antiviral TherapyNakamoto BK, Jahanshad N, McMurtray A, Kallianpur KJ, Chow DC, Valcour VG, Paul RH, Marotz L, Thompson PM, Shikuma CM,. Cerebrovascular risk factors and brain microstructural abnormalities on diffusion tensor images in HIV-infected individuals. J Neurovirol. 2012 Aug;18(4):303-12. Epub 2012 May 15. PubMed PMID: 22585287.Shikuma CM, McArthur JC, Ebenezer GJ, Ananworanich J, Teeratakulpisarn N, Jadwattanakul T, Valcour VG, Bennett K, Phanuphak N; for the SEARCH 014 protocol team. Ethnic Differences in Epidermal Nerve Fiber Density. Muscle Nerve. 2013 Mar 9. doi: 10.1002/mus.23834. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23483476.Phanuphak N, Ananworanich J, Teeratakulpisarn N, Jadwattanakul T, Kerr SJ, Chomchey N, Hongchookiat P, Mathajittiphun P, Pinyakorn S, Rungrojrat P, Praihirunyakit P, Gerschenson M, Phanuphak P, Valcour V, Kim JH, Shikuma C; SEARCH 003 Study GroupA 72-week randomized study of the safety and efficacy of a stavudine to zidovudine switch at 24 weeks compared to zidovudine or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate when given with lamivudine and nevirapine. Antivir Ther.2012;17(8):1521-31. doi: 10.3851/IMP2497. Epub 2012 Dec 7. PubMed PMID: 23220732.Krishnan S, Schouten JT, Atkinson B, Brown T, Wohl D, McComsey GA, Glesby MJ, Shikuma C, Haubrich R, Tebas P, Campbell TB, Jacobson DL. Metabolic syndrome before and after initiation of antiretroviral therapy in treatment-naïve HIV-infected individuals. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2012 Nov 1;61(3):381-9. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0b013e3182690e3c. PubMed PMID: 22828718; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3480980.Chow D, Thomas BS, Liang CY, Souza SC, Nakamoto BK, Parikh NI, Shikuma C. Role of the veterans aging cohort study index in assessing total atherosclerotic burden. Clin Infect Dis. 2012 Sep;55(5):750-1; author reply 751-2. doi: 10.1093/cid/cis537. Epub 2012 Jun 5. PubMed PMID: 22670040.Shikuma C, Gerschenson M, Ananworanich J, Valcour V, Teeratakulpisarn N, Jadwattanakul T, Degruttola V, Liang CY, McArthur J, Ebenezer G, Chomchey N, Praihirunkit P, Hongchookiath P, Mathajittiphun P, Nakamoto B, Hauer P, Phanuphak P, Phanuphak N; SEARCH 003 protocol team. Determinants of epidermal nerve fibre density in antiretroviral-naïve HIV-infected individuals. HIV Med. 2012 Nov;13(10):602-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-1293.2012.01024.x. Epub 2012 May 11. PubMed PMID: 22574621.
PubMed Publications Listing: Shikuma CM