Prior Funded
May Okihiro, MD MS
Assistant Professor, University of Hawai‘i Department of Pediatrics
Interests:My interests are in the area of childhood obesity and early metabolic risk, especially among children in Hawai‘i. I am interested in the development of obesity and ways we can address the issue from an clinical and community perspective.
Selected Publications:
Okihiro M, Davis J, White L, Derauf C. Rapid growth in the second year of life is a robust predictor of subsequent obesity in Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders. Submitted and in review.Okihiro M, Mau M, Derauf C, White L, Harrigan R, Beckham S, Davis J. Ethnic differences in obesity prevalence among Pacific Island and Filipino children. Submitted and in review.Okihiro M. Childhood Obesity in Hawai‘i: The Role of the Healthcare Provider. Hawaii Med J. 2011 Jul;70(7). 53.Okihiro M, Harrigan R. An Overview of Obesity and Diabetes in the Diverse Populations of the Pacific. Ethn Dis. 2005 Autumn;15(1)
PubMed Publications Listing: Okihiro May